Friday, February 27, 2009

I got a camera! Enjoy some random pics we've taken!


I snuck into Lexi's dance class and got some pics of her groovin'.

She's lookin good!

Lots going on

Davis had a patriotic program this week for George Washingtons birthday. It was way cute!

He also started wrestling! He had a duel last night and did very well! He won his first match by 10 pts then wrestled someone whos middle name must have been angry! Angry never pinned him but he did win.

Here is Davis in his singlet! He was not so sure about it but he is getting used to it.

Girl Time

We had to go to cortez last weekend for mercedeez volleyball tournament and Brandy and I decided we could split a hotel room and go have some fun. Here is (L-R) Lacey, Kayla and cedz having fun on the drive over!

Here they are at the jacuzzi eating pizza! Brandy and I got hungry before the girls did (they just didn't want to do anything but swim) so we went ahead and ate at the mexican restaurant and left them to swim with Brandy's parents. We ordered them pizza when we were almost done eating but the delivery guy was faster than us and the girls all pulled out their money and paid for it. They thought they were very grown up!

Mercedeez did awesome at the tounament!! Her serves are esspecially good. They played around 6 or 7 games, each girl getting the opportunity to serve 2-3 times per game, and mercedeez got them all over but 3. Many of them going down as an ace. She is a talented server for her age! Best of all she really enjoys herself and feels good when she plays. Go Mercedeez!