Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ok I added a new song on the playlist. Let me tell you why. I went to the dollar store one day to get cello bags and noticed some christmas cd's for 2.50. They had the greats on them like Bing Crosby, mormon tabernacle choir, Nat King Cole, and Louis Armstrong to name a couple! So I bought a couple and turned them on as soon as I got home. The first song was the one you should be hearing right now.
Way later that night at bedtime Talon was crying and frustrated and he just kept asking for "his santa claus" Billy and I could not figure out what he wanted and finally he fell asleep.
The next morning Talon and I went and got in the car to run some errands and I brought the christmas cd with me to play in the car. It turned on and Talon started yelling! "My santa claus my santa claus!" That is what he had wanted the night before! He loves this song by Louis Armstrong isn't that funny! He still requests it all the time!


Hawkins Crew said...

That Mr. Talon he's a card.It's ok to sing about but i hear he hid on moms shoulder when Santa came to visit.

Texas Tingey said...

LOL! It's about time you updated your blog!
It is fun to see all of the pics and hear the stories of what has been goin' on with y'all. We have a Christmas CD with that song.......that is funny that Talon loves it so much. HOw cute.
Even if you don't have pics, it is fun to hear the keep it up!!
love ya!

Nan said...

That's so sad about your camera. I think I actually saw you guys out that day when you were taking pictures in the leaves. Did you at least save the memory card, or was it a total loss? Hey, and I wanted to tell you that your recent posts are great. I guess you are finally over the mourning period (for your camera, I mean). I hope you don't mind me checking you out once in a while.

Rose said...

How adorable, what a little character. I don't ever remember hearing this song.